Wow! It's been so long since my last post. I do however have various reasons for my absence. I have been posting a little to my facebook page but have neglected my blog.
My husband, children and I brought a house in Warracknabeal, 40 minutes away from where we were living in Horsham. We now live in a much smaller country town and my husband, for the first time ever, can walk to work. We're a little further away from all of my family and friends in Melbourne, but it's still doable. So the last few months I have been slowly unpacking and getting our house into some form of order.
As far as artwork goes, I've managed to do bits and pieces along the way, two of which are below and available in my store. I haven't had time to pretty the images up, sorry.
I have been busy preparing artwork for my first exhibition. Unfortunately I am not progressing as I would have liked, but at least I'm progressing. Hopefully I'll have enough pieces finished in time. I'll let you know when and where when the time draws nearer.
I've also picked up an illustration job. YeeeHaaa!!! It's not in any of my usual styles or even in any of the subject matter which I am drawn too, but I'm getting paid to draw and you can't beat that. =D As part of my contract I am unable to share my illustrations with you. Maybe down the track once the book has been printed I may be allowed to show you snippets. I'll have to see.
So between moving house, a commission artworks and my newly acquired illustration role, I have neglected my sad looking blog. My blog really needs a make over and is on my 'To do' list, like many other things.
Must go and get busy.
I hope this post finds you happy and well.
Big Smiles,
Kyles =D