My first journal entry in my new beautiful journal that I brought from Jane Davenport, during a recent visit to her gorgeous store 'The Institute of Cute'.
Obviously inspired by Jane's store and her love for cute lady bugs.
Obviously inspired by Jane's store and her love for cute lady bugs.
Speaking of Jane, she has a new online workshop 'Supplies Me'.
Supplies Me is an online workshop
about art supplies with an emphasis on use in visual/art Journals. Jane has designed a program of intensive (not scary!) drawing lessons, to truly understand and unlock the potential of your art supplies and journal. The focus in this workshop is on faces and the figure. So as you are experimenting
with using your art supplies in different ways, you will also be
learning the basic structure of the feminine face and how to shade, colour and render it. Jane will also share her fashion illustration experience and get you drawing the female figure with ease.
So if this sounds as good to you as it does to me, you may sign up here.
No, I am not an affiliate, I just love her work. =D
As usual, your feedback is most welcome. Prints will be available from my store shortly.