Wednesday, October 19, 2011

And the winner of my Life Book Giveaway is.............

Thank you all very much for entering my Life Book Giveaway.
In total I received 58 entrants into this Awesome Giveaway.
I went through each and every comment to see which bloggers needed to have duplicate entries, due to promoting elsewhere. I had 2 entrants who emailed me to enter and another 2 who commented on my Facebook page, letting me know they promoted on facebook.

Here is a recap of the prize on offer:

A place in the year long mixed media course, Life Book. 

You will receive a whole year of amazing artistic growth, art creating, personal development, joy, fun, laughter, friendship, art community, painting, painting, painting, mixed media, gluing, collaging, cutting, sticking things on, drawing, having crazy awesome fun!

And by the end of it, you'll have a beautifully bound journal (or Life Book) with gorgeous art that will have captured your special journey in 2012!

With the help of my trusty assistant (my son James).

 Drum roll please........................No. 29. ***looking over my list****

And the Winner is: Kate
Why not go over to Kate's blog to congratulate her.

Congratulations Kate. You are going to loooove this course.
Thank you to everyone who participate in my giveaway, particularly those of you who promoted it.

For those of you who missed out, but would love to enrol:  
Click here to view more details

Best wishes,
Kyles =D
Follow Me on Pinterest


  1. Oh thank you so much, I am so excited to have been chosen. Now I can't wait till January 1. I think this class is going to be awesome.

  2. @Kate
    I look forward to seeing you in the classrooms come Jan 1st. Good luck,
    Kyles =D

  3. Congrats to Kate! :)) I'm so excited to see you all there next year. :)

  4. congrats kate.....what a wonderful prize! :))

  5. Yay for Kate!! Lucky Girl!

    I'm sure you are staying busy getting things done for your class. Thanks for taking the time to come visit my blog. I can always count on you! I hope you are well. Check the blog for the tutorial, it will be within the week!

